Obtaining a Food Handlers Certificate is simple. All you have to do is finish a training program and pass an exam to get a Food Handlers Card that is valid not only in your home state, but in most other states, as well.
This Food Handlers Course has been developed to meet the ANAB (ANSI National Accreditation Board) ANSI/ASTM E2659-18 standard practice for certificate programs requirements by training experts with the guidance of health department food safety officials, food management professionals and food handlers like you. It is periodically updated to stay current with food codes and to improve quality.
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Hours of Operation | 9am–6pmMonday–Friday
Accreditation ID | 1042
This course consists of 6 lessons and a final exam. The lessons are:
Food Safety Basics
Personal Hygiene
Receiving and Storing Food
The Danger Zone
Sanitation, Cleaning and Maintenance
Employee Health Status
The ANAB Food Handler Card is valid for three years from the date of issuance. Food handlers must retake the course and test upon expiration to maintain a valid Food Handler Certification.
You can work in a variety of establishments with your Food Handlers Certificate. And there are multiple positions within each establishment. These may include, food servers, cooks, chefs, food runners, bussers, and dish washers.
We've made it easy to receive your food handler card, meet state and company standards and begin work as quickly as possible. This course includes:
The Certificate Program consists of six easy to understand lessons in food handling, each with a quick quiz so you can be sure you understand the lesson and are prepared for the exam. To be awarded a food handler certificate, you must view all lessons and quizzes, then take 40 question multiple choice exam, which you must pass with 70% to be awarded a food handler certificate.
You may distribute physical and electronic copies of your Responsible Training Food Handlers Certificate to current and prospective employers, government agencies, or anyone else to demonstrate that you have met the requirements laid out in the ANAB (ANSI National Accreditation Board) ANSI/ASTM E2659-18 standard practice for certificate programs. According to this program, when referring to yourself as a certificate holder, you may say that you are a "Responsible Training Food Handler Certificate Recipient" or a "Holder of a Responsible Training Food Handler Certificate." You may not say that you are "certified," "certificated," "licensed," "registered," or "accredited.".
12741 Research Blvd, Austin, Texas, 78759P: (866) 409-9190
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2023 SafeWay Certifications, LLC, ResponsibleTraining.com, LearnTABC.com, TexasFoodHandler.com, TexasFoodManager.com